Procedure 5: Recalling a Logistic Regression Model
It is fairly self-explanatory to deploy a logistic model, recall is performed in the same manner as a linear regression model. As with the lm() product, the glm() model has a predict.gml() function to create a prediction for all values in a data frame. The signature bears stark resemblance to that of the predict.lm() function:
AutomaticLogisticRegression <- predict.glm(LogisticRegressionModel,FraudRisk)
Run the line of script to console:
It can be seen that a new vector has been created in the environment pane which will contain the predictions for each entry in the FraudRisk Data Frame:
For completeness, merge the newly created vector into the FraudRisk data frame:
FraudRisk <- mutate(FraudRisk, AutomaticLogisticRegression)
Run the line of script to console: