Procedure 2: Extracting a substring from a string, testing logically and presenting for machine learning
In Horizontal Abstraction, it is quite common to have the requirement to inspect a string of data looking for an occurrence (or pattern) and return a logical value that can be used in machine learning.
In this example, a string will be inspected and return a 1 in the event that the string “Richard” is present.
Firstly, create a vector of name strings by typing:
Names <- c("Richard","Robert","Reinhard","Raymond","Richardino","Richardo")
Run the line of script to console:
Use the substr() function to create a vector of the first 7 characters of the value contained in the Names vector, by typing:
NamesSubstr <= substr(Names,1,7)
Write the NamesSubstr vector:
Run the line of script to console:
The question being posed is whether the first characters of the name is equal to “Richard”. To perform this evaluation, create a logical vector from the NamesSubstr vector by typing:
NamesSubstrLogical <- NamesSubstr == "Richard"
Notice how a double equals sign is used to eliminate confusion between evaluation and assignment.
Run the line of script to console:
Write the logical vector out to console by typing:
Run the line of script to console:
The character notion of TRUE or FALSE cannot be used in machine learning readily (you can’t multiply by text) and it follows that these values should be converted to a numeric value using the as.numeric() function, typing:
NamesSubstrLogicalNumeric <- as.numeric(NamesSubstrLogical)
Run the line of script to console:
Write the newly created vector to console by typing:
Run the line of script to console:
A more concise line of script nesting the functions might be:
NamesSubstrLogicalNumericNested <- as.numeric(substr(Names,1,7) == "Richard")
An alternative approach might be converting the logical vector to a factor as explained elsewhere.