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Procedure 14: Creating a Numeric Variable by Assignment

Start by creating a new script as procedure 5:


A blank script window will be created that will be the target:


Variables in R are created by assignment, the process of setting a value. The operator or command for assignment is the character combination of “<-“. To create and assign a numeric variable start by typing into the script window:

Numeric <- 1


Run the script to console:


A variable with the name Numeric has now been created. It can be seen that RStudio has also recognised the creation of a new variable in the Environment Values pane towards the top right hand side of RStudio:


The variable can also be referenced in the script by simply typing the variable name and running the script to console. In this example, create a new line in the script and type the name of the variable:



Run the line of script to console:


It can be seen that the assigned value is written out.

The mode() function is intended to disclose the variable type, taking the variable name as the parameter. Create a new line in the script editor and disclose the variable type, start by typing:


Run the line of script to console:


It can be observed that the variable type has been returned as numeric. It is also possible to assign a variable as the result of arithmetic or function output. For example, type into the script editor:

NumericResult <- 1 + 1


Run the line of script to the console:


It can be observed that the NumericVariable has been created and is available in the Environment Variables windows, and it would also return in the console when referencing the variable directly:


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